infra & cloud/AWS

[AWS] 12-3. Kinesis Data Streams

펭귄대장 2021. 4. 18. 22:19

[ Kinesis ]

Apache Kafka 를 대체, 실시간 big data 관련 작업에 유리

- Kinesis is a managed alternative to Apache Kafka

- Great for application logs, metrics, Iot, clickstreams

- Great for "real-time" big data

- Grate for streaming processing frameworks (Spark, NiFi, etc...)

- Data is automatically replicated to 3AZ

Kinesis Streams : low latency streaming ingest at scale

Kinesis Analytics : perform real-time analytics on streams using SQL

Kinesis Firehose : load stream into S3, Redshift, ElasticSearch..


[ 1. Kinesis Streams ]

Shard 로 stream 이 나뉘어짐, 데이터는 default 로 하루간 보관됨, 데이터에 대한 재처리 가능, 데이터가 kinesis 에 한 번 삽입되면 지워지지 않음

- Streams are divided in ordered Shards/Partitions

- Data retention is 1 day by default, can go up to 365 days

- Ability to reprocess/replay data

- Multiple applications can consume the same stream

- Real-time processing with scale of throughput

- Once data is inserted in Kinesis, it can't be deleted (immutability)


[ Kinesis Streams Shards ]

SHARD 하나당 1 MB/s 쓰기 , 2 MB/s 읽기 

SHARD 갯수 대로 과금, SHARD 갯수는 reshard(추가), merge(병합) 을 통해 증/감 가능

- One stream is made of many different shards

- 1 MB/s or 1000 messages/s at write per SHARD

- 2 MB/s at read per SHARD

- Billing is per shard provisioned, can have as many shards as you want

- Batching available or per message calls

- The number of shards can evolve over time (reshard/merge)

- Records are ordered per shard


[ AWS Kinesis API - Put records ]

partition key 를 사용할 경우 동일한 키는 동일한 파티션으로 보내짐, 처리량을 높이고싶을 경우 PutRecords 와 batching 을 사용

- PutRecord API + Partition key that gets hashed

- The same key goes to the same partition (helps with ordering for a specific key)

- Messages sent get a "sequence number"

- Choose a partition key that is highly distributed (helps prevent "hot partition")

   user_id if many users

   Not country_id if 90% of the users are in one country

- Use Batching with PutRecords to reduce costs and increase throughput

- ProvisionedThroughputExceeded Exception occurs if we go over the limits


[ AWS Kinesis API - Exceptions ]

ProvisionedThroughputExceeded Exceptions

- Happens when sending more data (exceeding MB/s or TPS for any shard)

- Make sure you don't have a hot shard (such as your partition key is bad and too much data goes to that partition)

* Solution : Retries with backoff / Increase shards (scaling)


[ AWS Kinesis API - Consumers ]

- Can use a normal consumer : CLI, SDK, etc...

- Can use Kinesis Client Library (in Java, Node, Python, Ruby, .NET)

  : KCL uses DynamoDB to checkpoint offsets

  : KCL uses DynamoDB to track other workers and share the work amongst shards


[ Kinesis Security ]

Control access / authorization using IAM policies

Encryption in flight using HTTPS endpoints

Encryption at rest using KMS

Possibility to encrypt/decrypt data client side(harder)

VPC Endpoints available for Kinesis to access within VPC



[ 2. Kinesis Data Firehose ]

서버리스, 자동 스케일링, 관리가 필요없음

실시간에 가까움(실시간이 아님)

- Fully Managed Service, no administration, automatic scaling, serverless

- Load data into Redshift/Amazon S3/ElasticSearch/Splunk

- Near Real Time

  60 seconds latency minimum for non full batches

  Or minium 32 MB of data at a time

- Supports many data formats, conversions, trasformations, compression

- Pay for the amount of data going through Firehose


[ Kinesis Data Streams vs Firehose ]

# Streams

- Going to write custom code (producer/consumer)

- Real time(~200ms)

- Must manage scaling(shard splitting/merging)

- Data Storage for 1 to 7 days, replay capability, multi consumers

# Firehose

- Fully managed, send to S3, Splunk, Redshift, ElasticSearch

- Serverless data transformations with Lambda

- Near real time (lowest buffer time is 1 minute)

- Automated Scaling

- No data storage


[ Kinesis Data Analytics ]

- Perform real-time analytics on Kinesis Streams using SQL

- Kinesis Data Analytics :

  Auto Scaling

  Managed : no servers to provision

  Continuous : real time

- Pay for actual consumption rate

- Can create streams out of the real-time queries



[ Data ordering for Kinesis vs SQS FIFO ]

각각의 객체의 순서를 지키며 데이터를 사용하고자 할 경우 객체별 partition key 를 사용, 키는 항상 동일한 shard 로 보내짐

to consume the data in order for each object, send using a "partition key" value of the "object_id"

the same key will always go to the same shard


[ Ordering data into SQS ]

SQS Standard 는 순차 처리가 아님. FIFO를 사용하며 다수의 consumer가 존재할 경우 GROUP ID 를 사용하여 메시지를 그루핑 할 수 있음 (Kinesis 의 partition key 와 비슷)

# Standard Case

  - For SQS standard, there is no ordering

  - For SQS FIFO, if you don't use a Group ID, messages are consumed in the order they are sent, with only one consumer

# When to use Group ID

  - You want to sacle the number of consumers, but you want messages to be "grouped" when they are related to each other

  - Then you use a Group ID (similar to Partition key in Kinesis)


[ # Kinesis vs SQS ordering ]

Let's assume 100 trucks, 5 kinesis shards, 1 SQS FIFO

# Kinesis Data Streams :

  - On average you will have 20 trucks per shard

  - Trucks will have their data ordered within each shard

  - The maximum amount of consumers in parallel we can have is 5

  - Can receive up to 5 MB/s of data


  - you only have one SQS FIFO queue

  - you will have 100 Group ID

  - You can have up to 100 consumers (due to the 100 Group ID)

  - You have up to 300 messages per second (or 3000 if using batching)



