[AWS] 16. API Gateway : Securty
[ API Gateway ]
- AWS Lambda + API Gateway : No infrastructure to manage
- Support for the WebSocket Protocol
- Handle API versioning
- Handle different environments (dev/test/oper)
- Handle security (Authentication and Authorization)
- Create API keys, handle request throttling
- Swagger / Open API import to quickly define APIs
- Transform and validate requests and responses
- Generate SDK and API specifications
- Cache API responses
[ API Gateway - Integrations High Level ]
1. Lambda Function
- Invoke Lambda function
- Easy way to expose REST API backed by AWS Lambda
- Expose HTTP endpoints in the backend
eg. internal HTTP API on premise, ALB(Application Load Balancer)...
Why? Add rate limiting, caching, user authentications, API Keys, etc...
3. AWS Service
- Expose any AWS API through the API Gateway?
eg. start an AWS Step Function workflow, post a message to SQS
- Why? Add authentication, deploy publicly, rate control..
[ API Gateway - Endpoint Types ]
1. Edge-Optimized(default) : For global clients
- Requests are routed through the CloudFront Edge locations (improves latency)
- The API Gateway still lives in only one region
2. Regional :
- For clients within the same region
- Cloud manually combine with CloudFront (more control over the caching strategies and the distribution)
3. Private :
- Can only be accessed from your VPC using an interface VPC endpoint (ENI)
- Use a resource policy to define access
[ API Gateway - Hands on ]
1) API Lambda function 작성(언어별 코딩 지원)
2) Gate way 에서 API 종류 선택
3) context path 입력
4) deploy
[ API Gateway - Security ]
[ IAM Permissions ]
- Create an IAM policy authorization and attach to User/Role
- API Gateway verifies IAM permissions passed by the calling application
- Good to provide access within your own infrastructure
- Leverages "Sig v4" capability where IAM credential are in headers
- Great for users / roles already within your AWS account
- Handle authentication + authorization
- Leverage Sig v4
[ Lambda Authorizer (formerly Custom Authorizers) ]
- Uses AWS Lambda to validate the token in header being passed
- Option to cache result of authentication
- Helps to use OAuth/SAML/3rd party type of authentication
- Lambda must return an IAM policy for the user
- Great for 3rd party tokens
- very flexible in terms of what IAM policy is returned
- Handle Authentication + Authorization
- Pay per Lambda invocation
[ Cognito User Pools ]
- Cognito fully manages user lifecycle
- API gateway verifies identity automatically from AWS Cognito
- No custom implementation required
- Cognito only helps with authentication, not authorization
- You manage your own user pool (can be backed by Facebook, Google login etc..)
- No need to write any custom code
- Must implement authorization in the backend
※ Authentication(인증) vs Authorization(인가)
Authentication(인증) : 사용자를 구분 및 확인 check who he is
Authorization(인가) : 사용자가 허가된 작업을 요청하는지 확인 check if he can access