infra & cloud/AWS

[AWS] 17-2. Serverless Website :

펭귄대장 2021. 9. 17. 16:43

[ Serverless Website : Todo List ]

1. This website should scale globally

2. Blogs are rarely written, but often read

3. Some of the website is purely static files, the rest is a dynamic REST API

4. Caching must be implement where possible

5. Any new users that subscribes should receive a welcome email

6. Any photo uploaded to the blog should have a thumbnail generated


[ 1. Serving static content, globally ]

※ CloudFront 를 사용하여 Amazon S3(region)를 global 로 사용


[ 2. Serving static content, globally, securely ]

S3 Bucket policy 설정을 통해 OAI (Origin Access Identity) 만 권한(authorize) 부여

client 는 Amazon S3 에 직접 접근 불가하며 CloudFont 를 통해서만 S3 에 접근 가능


[ 2-2. Serving static content, globally, securely ]

[ Sending Email ]

DynamoDB Stream 을 통해 데이터 변화시 Lambda 를 호출,

(SES(Simple Email Service) 를 사용 할 수 있는 IAM Role을 가진) Lambda 는 Amazon SES를 사용하여 email 전송


[ Making Thumbnail on photo added ]

Client 가 S3 에 직접 혹은 CloudFront 를 통해 이미지 업로드시 Lambda 를 호출(trigger),

Lambda 가 thumbnail 을 생성하여 S3 에 업로드. (이때 S3 는 SQS/SNS 를 사용하여 부가적인 동작 가능)


[ AWS Hosted Website Summary ] 

- We've seen static content being distributed using CloudFront with S3

- The REST API was serverless, didn't need Cognito because public

- We leveraged a Global DynamoDB table to serve the data globally (could use Aurora Global Tables)

- We enabled DynamoDB streams to trigger a Lambda function 

- The lambda function had an IAM role which use SES(Simple Email Service)

- SES(Simple Email Service) was used to send emails in a serverless way

- S3 can trigger SQS/SNS/Lambda to notify of events



DynamoDB Stream 사용법 관련 포스팅
