[ Aurora ]

OLTP 트랜잭션 프로세싱 지원

PostgreSQL/MySQL 호환


1. Compatible API for PostgreSQL/MySQL (OLTP)

2. Data is held in 6 replicas, across 3 AZ

3. Auto healing capability

4. Multi AZ, Auto Scaling Read Replicas

5. Read Replicas can be Global

6. Aurora database can be Global for DR or latency purposes

7. Auto scaling of storage from 10GB to 128TB

8. Define EC2 instance type for aurora instances

9. Same security / monitoring / maintenance features as RDS

10. Aurora Serverless - for unpredictable / intermittent(간헐적인) workloads

11. Aurora Multi-Master - for continuous writes failover

※ Use case : same as RDS, but with less maintenance/more flexibility/more performance


[ Aurora for Solutions Architect ]

Operations : less operations, auto scaling storage

Security : AWS responsible for OS security, we are responsible for setting up KMS, security groups, IAM policies, authorizing users in DB, using SSL

Reliability : Multi AZ, highly available, possibly more than RDS, Aurora Serverless option, Aurora Multi-Master option

Performance : 5x performance (according to AWS) due to architectural optimizations. Up to 15 Read Replicas (only 5 for RDS)

Cost : Pay per hour based on EC2 and storage usage. Possibly lower costs compared to Enterprise grade databases such as Oracle



[ Choosing the right database ]

- We have a lot of managed databases on AWS to choose from

- Questions to choose the right database based on your architecture :

1) Read-heavy, write-heavy, or balanced workload? Thoughput needs? Will it change, does it need to scale or fluctuate during the day?

2) How much data to store and for how long? Will it grow? Average object size? How are they accessed?

3) Data durability? Source of truth for the data?

4) Latency requirements ? Concurrent users?

5) Data model? How will you query the data? joins? Structured? Semi-Structured?

6) Strong schema? More flexibility? Reporting? Search? RBDMS/NoSQL?

7) License costs? Switch to Cloud Native DB such as Aurora?


[ 1. Database Types ]

1. RDBMS(=SQL/OLTP) : RDS, Aurora - great for joins

2. NoSQL database : DynamoDB (~JSON), ElastiCache (key/value pairs), Neptune(graphs) - no joins, no SQL

3. Object Store : S3 (for big objects) / Glacier (for backups / archives)

4. Data Warehouse (=SQL Analytics/BI) : Redshift (OLAP), Athena

5. Search : ElasticSearch(JSON) - free text, unstructured searches

6. Graphs : Neptune - displays relationships between data




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