[ 1. ENI : Elastic Network Interfaces ]

- Virtual Network Interface

- Logical component in a VPC(Virtual Personal Cloud) that represents a virtual network card

- The ENI can have the following attributes :

  1) Primary private IPv4, one or more secondary IPv4

  2) One Elastic IP (IPv4) per private IPv4

  3) One Public IPv4

  4) One or more security groups

  5) A MAC address

- You can create ENI independently and attach them on the fly (move them) on EC2 instances for failover

- Bound to a specific AZ

[ # Hands-on : ENI 생성 및 attach/detach ]

1) EC2 인스턴스 생성

  * EC2 instance 생성시 default Network interface 는 eth0 

2) 생성한 EC2 인스턴스에 추가로 attach 할 ENI 생성하기

NETWORK & Security 탭 > Network Interfaces 메뉴 > Create Network Interface > Subnet 은 1) EC2 와 동일한 AZ로 지정 > 생성

3) 2에서 생성한 ENI 우클릭 후 Attach 선택 > attach 할 대상 EC2 Instance 선택

4) EC2 인스턴스에 eth0외에 eth1 ENI 가 생성되었는지 확인



[ 2. EC2 Hibernate ]

We can stop, terminate instances

 - Stop : the data on disk(EBS) is kept intact in the next start

 - Terminate : any EBS volumes (root) also set-up to be destroyed is lost


On start, the following happens :

 - First start : the OS boots & the EC2 User Data script is run

 - Following starts : the OS boots up

 - Then your application starts, caches get warmed up, and that can take time.


EC2 Hibernate : The in-memory(RAM) state is preserved

시스템 중지시 RAM 에 저장된 데이터를 스토리지에 저장. 시스템 재시작시 스토리지에 저장된 데이터를 로드하여 중지전 상태로 복원하는 기능

 - The instance boot is much faster (the OS is not stopped/restarted)

 - Under the hood: the RAM state is written to a file in the root EBS volume

 - The root EBS volume must be encrypted

 - Use cases :

   1) long-running processing

   2) saving the RAM state

   3) services that take time to initialize


* Supported instance families - C3~5, M3~5, R3~5

* Instance RAM size - must be less then 150GB

* Root Volume : must be EBS, encrypted, not instance store, and large

* Available for On-Demand and Reserved Instances

* An instance cannot be hibernated more than 60 days


[ # Hands-on : Hibernate 설정 ]

EC2 instance 생성시 Step3. Configure Instance Details 의 하단 부분 > Stop-Hibernate behavior : Enable hibernation as an additional stop behavior 체크 > Step4. Add Storage > EBS Encrypt 설정 > Launch






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