[ Databases in AWS : S3 ]

- S3 is a key / value store for objects

- Great for big objects, not so great for small objects

- Serverless, sclaes infinitely, max object size is 5 TB

- Strong consistency

- Tiers : S3 Standard, S3 IA, S3 One Zone IA, Glacier for backups

- Features : Versioning, Encryption, Cross Region Replication, etc...

- Security : IAM, Bucket Policies, ACL(Access Control Policy)

- Encryption : SSE-S3, SSE-KMS, SSE-C, client side encryption, SSL in transit

※ Use Case : static files, key value store for big files, website hosting


[ S3 for Solutions Architect ]

Operations : no operations needed

Security : IAM , Bucket Policies, ACL, Encryption (Server/Client), SSL

Reliability : 99.99% durability / 99.9% availability, Multi AZ, CRR(Cross Region Replication)

Performance : scales to thousands of read/writes per second, transfer acceleration/multi-part for big files

Cost : pay per storage usage, network cost, requests number


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