[ Micro Service Architecture ]

- We want to switch to a micro service architecture

- Many services interact with each other directly using a REST API

- Each architecture for each micro service may vary in form and shape

- We want a micro-service architecture so we can have a leaner development lifecycle for each service


[ Micro Services Environment ]

route 53 에 DNS Query 하여 해당 도메인의 서버에 접근

각각의 도메인은 작게 쪼개진 각각의 서비스(Micro Service)로 내부적으로 다른 서비스를 호출하여 동작할 수 있음


[ Discussions on Micro Services ]

1) Free to design each micro-service the way we want

2) Synchronous patterns : API Gateway, Load Balancers

3) Asynchronous patterns : SQS, Kinesis, SNS, Lambda triggers (S3)

4) Challenges with micro-services:

 - repeated overhead for creating each new microservice

 - issues with optimizing server density/utilization

 - complexity of running multiple versions of multiple microservices simultaneously

 - proliferation(급증) of client-side code requirements to integrate with many separate services


Some of the challengs are solved by Serverless patterns :

- API Gateway, Lambda scale automatically and you pay per usage

- You can easily clone API, reproduce environments

- Generated client SDK through Swagger integration for the API Gateway



[ Serverless Website : Todo List ]

1. This website should scale globally

2. Blogs are rarely written, but often read

3. Some of the website is purely static files, the rest is a dynamic REST API

4. Caching must be implement where possible

5. Any new users that subscribes should receive a welcome email

6. Any photo uploaded to the blog should have a thumbnail generated


[ 1. Serving static content, globally ]

※ CloudFront 를 사용하여 Amazon S3(region)를 global 로 사용


[ 2. Serving static content, globally, securely ]

S3 Bucket policy 설정을 통해 OAI (Origin Access Identity) 만 권한(authorize) 부여

client 는 Amazon S3 에 직접 접근 불가하며 CloudFont 를 통해서만 S3 에 접근 가능


[ 2-2. Serving static content, globally, securely ]

[ Sending Email ]

DynamoDB Stream 을 통해 데이터 변화시 Lambda 를 호출,

(SES(Simple Email Service) 를 사용 할 수 있는 IAM Role을 가진) Lambda 는 Amazon SES를 사용하여 email 전송


[ Making Thumbnail on photo added ]

Client 가 S3 에 직접 혹은 CloudFront 를 통해 이미지 업로드시 Lambda 를 호출(trigger),

Lambda 가 thumbnail 을 생성하여 S3 에 업로드. (이때 S3 는 SQS/SNS 를 사용하여 부가적인 동작 가능)


[ AWS Hosted Website Summary ] 

- We've seen static content being distributed using CloudFront with S3

- The REST API was serverless, didn't need Cognito because public

- We leveraged a Global DynamoDB table to serve the data globally (could use Aurora Global Tables)

- We enabled DynamoDB streams to trigger a Lambda function 

- The lambda function had an IAM role which use SES(Simple Email Service)

- SES(Simple Email Service) was used to send emails in a serverless way

- S3 can trigger SQS/SNS/Lambda to notify of events



DynamoDB Stream 사용법 관련 포스팅


[ Mobile Application : My Todo List ]

1. We want to create a mobile application with the following requirements

2. Expose as REST API with HTTPS

3. Serverless architecture

4. Users should be able to directly interact with their own folder in S3

5. Users should authenticate through a managed serverless service

6. The users can write and read to-dos, but they mostly read them

7. The database should scale, and have some high read throughput


[ 1. Mobile App : REST API layer ]


[ 2. Mobile App : giving users access to S3 ]

※ Note : save credentials on S3 (not on your mobile client)


[ 3. Mobile app : high read throughput, static data ]


- Serverless REST API : HTTPS, API Gateway, Lambda, DynamoDB

- Using Cognito to generate temporary credentials with STS to access S3 bucket with restricted policy. App users can directly access AWS resources this way. Pattern can be applied to DynamoDB, Lambda

- Caching the reads on DynamoDB using DAX

- Caching the REST requests at the API Gateway level

- Security for authentication and authrization with Cognito, STS




- SAM = Serverless Application Model

- Framework for developing and deploying serverless applications

- All the configuration is YAML code

  1) Lambda Functions

  2) DynamoDB tables

  3) API Gateway

  4) Cognito User Pools

- SAM can help you to run Lambda, API Gateway, DynamoDB locally

- SAM can use CodeDeploy to deploy Lambda functions


'infra & cloud > AWS' 카테고리의 다른 글

[AWS] 17-2. Serverless Website : MyBlog.com  (0) 2021.09.17
[AWS] 17-1. Serverless Solution Architecture Discussions  (0) 2021.09.17
[AWS] 16-1. AWS Cognito  (0) 2021.09.12
[AWS] 16. API Gateway : Securty  (0) 2021.09.06
[AWS] 15. DynamoDB  (0) 2021.09.06

[ AWS Cognito ]

We want to give our users an identity so that they can interact with our application

1. Cognito User Pools :

- Sign in functionality for app users

- Integrate with API Gateway

2. Cognito Identity Pools (Federated Identity) :

- Provide AWS credentials to users so they can access AWS resources directly

- Integrate with Cognito User Pools as an identity provider

3. Cognito Sync :

- Synchronize data from device to Cognito.

- May be deprecated and replaced by AppSync


[ 1. AWS Cognito User Pools (CUP) ]

- Create a serverless database of user for your mobile apps

- Simple login : Username(or email) / password combination

- Possibility to verify emails / phone numbers and add MFA

- Can enable Federated Identities (Facebook, Gogle, SAML...)

- Sends back a JSON Web Tokens (JWT)

- Can be integrated with API Gateway for authentication

[ 2. Federated Identity Pools ]

Goal :

- Provide direct access to AWS Resources from the Client Side

How :

- Log in to federated identity provider - or remain anonymous

- Get temporary AWS credentials back from the Federated Identity Pool

- These credentials come with a pre-defined IAM policy stating their permissions

Example :

- provide (temporary) access to write to S3 bucket using Facebook Login


[ 3. AWS Cognito Sync ]

Deprecated - use AWS AppSync now

- Store preferences, configuration, state of app

- Cross device synchronization (any platform - iOS, Android, etc )

- Offline capability (synchronization when back online)

- Requires Federated Identity Pool in Cognito (not User Pool)

- Store data in datasets (up to 1MB)

- Up to 20 datasets to synchronize







[ API Gateway ]

- AWS Lambda + API Gateway : No infrastructure to manage

- Support for the WebSocket Protocol

- Handle API versioning

- Handle different environments (dev/test/oper)

- Handle security (Authentication and Authorization)

- Create API keys, handle request throttling

- Swagger / Open API import to quickly define APIs 

- Transform and validate requests and responses

- Generate SDK and API specifications

- Cache API responses


[ API Gateway - Integrations High Level ]

1. Lambda Function

  - Invoke Lambda function

  - Easy way to expose REST API backed by AWS Lambda


  - Expose HTTP endpoints in the backend

  eg. internal HTTP API on premise, ALB(Application Load Balancer)...

  Why? Add rate limiting, caching, user authentications, API Keys, etc...

3. AWS Service

  - Expose any AWS API through the API Gateway?

  eg. start an AWS Step Function workflow, post a message to SQS

  - Why? Add authentication, deploy publicly, rate control..


[ API Gateway - Endpoint Types ]

1. Edge-Optimized(default) : For global clients

  - Requests are routed through the CloudFront Edge locations (improves latency)

  - The API Gateway still lives in only one region

2. Regional :

  - For clients within the same region

  - Cloud manually combine with CloudFront (more control over the caching strategies and the distribution)

3. Private :

  - Can only be accessed from your VPC using an interface VPC endpoint (ENI)

  - Use a resource policy to define access


[ API Gateway - Hands on ]

1) API Lambda function 작성(언어별 코딩 지원)

2) Gate way 에서 API 종류 선택

3) context path 입력

4) deploy



[ API Gateway - Security ]

[ IAM Permissions ]

- Create an IAM policy authorization and attach to User/Role

- API Gateway verifies IAM permissions passed by the calling application

- Good to provide access within your own infrastructure

- Leverages "Sig v4" capability where IAM credential are in headers

- Great for users / roles already within your AWS account

- Handle authentication + authorization

- Leverage Sig v4


[ Lambda Authorizer (formerly Custom Authorizers) ] 

- Uses AWS Lambda to validate the token in header being passed

- Option to cache result of authentication

- Helps to use OAuth/SAML/3rd party type of authentication

- Lambda must return an IAM policy for the user

- Great for 3rd party tokens

- very flexible in terms of what IAM policy is returned

- Handle Authentication + Authorization

- Pay per Lambda invocation


[ Cognito User Pools ]

- Cognito fully manages user lifecycle

- API gateway verifies identity automatically from AWS Cognito

- No custom implementation required

- Cognito only helps with authentication, not authorization

- You manage your own user pool (can be backed by Facebook, Google login etc..)

- No need to write any custom code

- Must implement authorization in the backend


※ Authentication(인증) vs Authorization(인가)

Authentication(인증) : 사용자를 구분 및 확인 check who he is

Authorization(인가) : 사용자가 허가된 작업을 요청하는지 확인 check if he can access


cognito 관련 글



'infra & cloud > AWS' 카테고리의 다른 글

[AWS] 16-2. AWS SAM : Serverless Application Model  (0) 2021.09.12
[AWS] 16-1. AWS Cognito  (0) 2021.09.12
[AWS] 15. DynamoDB  (0) 2021.09.06
[AWS] 14-2. Lambda@Edge  (0) 2021.09.02
[AWS] 14. Serverless : Lambda  (0) 2021.09.01

[ DynamoDB ]

- Fully Managed, Highly available with replication across 3 AZ

- NoSQL database - not a relational database

- Scales to massive workloads, distributed database

- Milions of requests per seconds, trillions of row, 100s of TB of storage

- Fast and consistent in performance (low latency on retrieval)

- Integrated with IAM for security, authorization and administration

- Enables event driven programming with DynamoDB Streams

- Low cost and auto scaling capabilities


[ DynamoDB Basic ]

DynamoDB is made of tables

- Each table has a PK (must be decided at creation time)

- Each table can have an infinite number of items

- Each item has attributes (can be added over time , can be null)

- Maximum size of a item is 400KB

- Supported data types 

  1) Scalar Types : String, Number, Binary, Boolean, Null

  2) Document Types : List, Map

  3) Set Types : String Set, Number Set, Binary Set


[ DynamoDB - Provisioned Throughput *** ]

- Table must have provisioned read and write capacity units

- RCU (Read Capacity Units) : throughput for reads ($0.00013 per RCU)

   1 RCU = 1 strongly consistent read of 4KB per second

   1 RCU = 2 eventually consistent read of 4 KB per second

- WCU (Write Capacity Unit) : throughput for writes ($0.00065 per WCU)

   1 WCU = 1 write of 1 KB per second

- Option to setup auto-scaling of throughput to meet demand

- Throughput can be exceeded temporarily using "burst credit"

- If burst credit are empty, you'll get a "ProvisionedThroughputException"

※ To prevent "ProvisionedThroughputException", use DAX

- It's then advised to do an exponential(기하급수적인) back-off retry


[ DynamoDB Advanced Features ]

[ DynamoDB - DAX ]

- DAX = DynamoDB Accelerator

- Seamless cache for DynamoDB, no application re-write

- Writes go through DAX to DynamoDB

- Micro second latency for cached reads & queries

- Solves the Hot Key problem (too many reads)

- 5 minutes TTL for caches by default

- Up to 10 nodes in the cluster

- Multi AZ (3 nodes minium recommended for production)

- Secure (encryption at rest with KMS, VPC, IAM, CloudTrail)


[ DynamoDB Streams ]

- Changes in DynamoDB (CUD) can end up in a DynamoDB Stream

- This stream can be read by AWS Lambda, and we can then do :

  1) React to changes in real time (eg. welcome email to new users)

  2) Analytics

  3) Create derivative(파생되는) tables / views

  4) Insert into Elastic Search

- Could implement cross region replication using Streams

- Stream has 24 hours of data retention

※ Before create a DynamoDB Global Table, DynamoDB Streams must be enabled first

: DynamoDB 를 글로벌로 사용하기 전에 DynamoDB Stream 을 활성화 시켜야 한다


[ DynamoDB - New Features ** ]

Transactions (new from Nov 2018)

- All or nothing type of operations

- Coordinated Insert, Update & Delete across multiple tables

- Include up to 10 unique items or up to 4 MB of data

On Demand (new from Nov 2018)

- No capacity planning needed (WCU/RCU) - scales automatically

- x2.5 more expensive than provisioned capacity (use with care)

- Helpful when spikes are un-predictable or the application is very low throughput


[ DynamoDB - Security & Other Features ]

- Security :

  1) VPC Endpoints available to access DynamoDB without internet

  2) Access fully controlled by IAM

  3) Encryption at rest using KMS

  4) Encryption in transit using SSL/TLS

- Backup and Restore feature available

  1) Point in time restore like RDS

  2) No performance impact

- Global Tables

  Multi region, fully replicated, high performance

- Amazon DMS can be used to migrate to DynamoDB (from Mongo, Oracle, MySQL, S3, etc..)

- You can launch a local DynamoDB on your computer for development purposes

- Global Tables (cross region replication)

  Active Active replication, many regions

  Must enable DynamoDB Streams

  Useful for low latency, DR purposes

- Capacity planning

  1) Planned capacity : provision WCU&RCU, can enable auto scaling

  2) On-demand capacity : get unlimited WCU & RCU, no throttle, more expensive




'infra & cloud > AWS' 카테고리의 다른 글

[AWS] 16-1. AWS Cognito  (0) 2021.09.12
[AWS] 16. API Gateway : Securty  (0) 2021.09.06
[AWS] 14-2. Lambda@Edge  (0) 2021.09.02
[AWS] 14. Serverless : Lambda  (0) 2021.09.01
[AWS] 13. Docker, ECS/Fargate/EKS  (0) 2021.04.25

You have deployed a CDN using CloudFront

What if you wanted to run a global AWS Lambda alongside?

Or how to implement request filtering before reaching your application?

: you can use Lambda@Edge 

 deploy Lambda functions alongside your CloudFront CDN

   - build more responsive applications

   - don't manage servers, Lambda is deployed globally

   - Customize the CDN content

   - Pay only for what you use


You can use Lambda to change CloudFront requests and reponses :

After CloudFront receives a request from a viewer (viewer request)

Before CloudFront forwards the request to the origin (origin request)

After CloudFront receives the response from the origin (origin reponse)

Before CloudFront forwards the response to the viewer (viewer response)


Example of Lambda@Edge : Global application

Lambda@Egde : Use Cases

- Website Security and Privacy

- Dynamic Web Application at the Edge

- Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

- Intelligently Route Across Origins and Data Centers

- Bot Mitigation at the Edge

- Real-time Image Transformation

- A/B Testing

- User Authentication and Authorization

- User Prioritization

- User Tracking and Analytics


'infra & cloud > AWS' 카테고리의 다른 글

[AWS] 16. API Gateway : Securty  (0) 2021.09.06
[AWS] 15. DynamoDB  (0) 2021.09.06
[AWS] 14. Serverless : Lambda  (0) 2021.09.01
[AWS] 13. Docker, ECS/Fargate/EKS  (0) 2021.04.25
[AWS] 12-4. Amazon MQ, SQS vs SNS vs Kinesis  (0) 2021.04.25


- Serverless is a new paradigm in which the developers don't have to manage servers anymore

- just deploy code, just deploy functions

- Serverless == FaaS(Function as a Service)

- Serverless was pioneered by AWS Lambda but now also includes anything that's managed such as databases, messaging, storage, etc.

- Serverless doesn't mean there are no servers


Serverless in AWS 

: AWS Lambda, DynamoDB, AWS Cognito, AWS API Gateway, S3, Fargate...


[ Why use AWS Lambda (compare Amazon EC2 with AWS Lambda) ] 

Amazon EC2

- Virtual Servers in the Cloud

- Limited by RAM and CPU

- Continuously running

- Scaling means intervention to add /remove servers

AWS Lambda

- Virtual functions - no servers to manage

- Limited by time - short executions

- Run on-demand

- Scaling is automated


[ Benefits of AWS Lambda ]

-Easy Pricing

  Pay per request and compute time

  Free tier of 1,000,000 AWS Lambda requests and 400,000 GBs of compute time

- Integrated with the whole AWS suite of services

- Integrated with many programming languages 

- Easy monitoring through AWS CloudWatch

- Easy to get more resources per functions (up to 10GB of RAM)

- Increasing RAM will also improve CPU and network


[ AWS Lambda language support ]

- js

- Python

- Java

- C#

- Go

- Ruby

- Custom Runtime API 

- Lambda Container Image

  The container image must implement the Lambda Runtime API

  ECS / Fargate is preferred for running arbitrary(임의적인 멋대로인) Docker images


[ AWS Lambda Integrations Main ones ]

- API Gateway

- Kinesis

- Dynamo DB

- S3

- CloudFront

- CloudWatch Events Event Bridges

- CloudWatch Logs



- Cognito


[ Example : Serverless Thumbnail creation ]


[ Example : Serverless CRON job ]


[ AWS Lambda Pricing ]

- https://aws.amazon.com/lambda/pricing/ 

- Pay per calls 

  first 1,000,000 requests are free

  $0.20 per 1 million requests 

- Pay per duration : 

  400,000 GB seconds of compute time per month if FREE

  == 400,000 sec if function is 1GB RAM

  == 3,200,000 seconds if function is 128MB RAM

- After that $1.00 for 600,000 GB-sec

- It is usually very cheap to run AWS Lambda so it's very popular


[ AWS Lambda Limits to Know - per region ]

Execution :

1) Memory allocation 128mb-10GB (64mb increments)

2) Maximum execution time : 900 sec (15min)

3) Environment variables (4 KB)

4) Disk capacity in the function container (in /tmp) : 512MB

5) Concurrency executions : 1000 (can be increased)

Deployment :

1) Lambda function deployment size (compressed .zip) : 50MB

2) Size of uncompressed deployment (code + dependencies) : 250MB

3) Can use the /tmp directory to load other files at startup

4) Size of environment variables : 4 KB





'infra & cloud > AWS' 카테고리의 다른 글

[AWS] 15. DynamoDB  (0) 2021.09.06
[AWS] 14-2. Lambda@Edge  (0) 2021.09.02
[AWS] 13. Docker, ECS/Fargate/EKS  (0) 2021.04.25
[AWS] 12-4. Amazon MQ, SQS vs SNS vs Kinesis  (0) 2021.04.25
[AWS] 12-3. Kinesis Data Streams  (0) 2021.04.18

[ Docker ]

- Docker is a software development platform to deploy apps

- Apps are packaged in containers that can be run on any OS

- Apps run the same, regardless of where they're run

  1) Any machine

  2) No compatibility issues 

  3) Predictable behavior

  4) Less work

  5) Easier to maintain and deploy

  6) Works with any language, any OS, any technology


# Where are Docker images stored?

- Docker images are stored in Docker Repositories

- Public : Docker Hub (https://hub.docker.com) or Amazon ECR Public

- Find base images for many technologies or OS

  ex) Ubuntu, MySQL, NodeJS, Java

- Private : Amazon ECR (Elastic Container Registry)


[ Docker vs VM (Virtual Machines) ]

- Docker is "sort of" a virtualization technology, but not exactly

- Resources are shared with the host > many containers on one server


[ Docker Containers Management ]

To manage containers, we need a container management platform

1) ECS : Amazon's own container platform

2) Fargate : Amazon's own Serverless container platform

3) EKS : Amazon's managed Kubernetes



1. ECS

- ECS = Elastic Container Service

- Launch Docker containers on AWS

- You must provision & maintain the infrastructure(the EC2 instances)

- AWS takes care of starting/stopping containers

- Has integrations with the Application Load Balancer


2. Fargate

- Launch Docker containers on AWS

- You do not provision the infrastructure (no EC2 instances to manage) - simpler

- Serverless offering

- AWS just runs containers for you based on the CPU/RAM you need


# IAM Roles for EC2 Tasks

1) EC2 Instance Profile :

  - Used by the ECS agent

  - Makes API calls to ECS service

  - Send container logs to CloudWatch Logs

  - Pull Docker image from ECR

  - Reference sensitive data in Secrets Manager or SSM Parameter Store

2) ECS Task Role :

  - Allow each task to have a specific role

  - Use different roles for the different ECS Services you run

  - Task Role is defined in the task definition


# ECS Data Volumes - EFS File Systems

- Works for both EC2 Tasks and Fargate tasks

- Ability to mount EFS volumes onto tasks

- Tasks launched in any AZ will be able to share the same data in the EFS volume

- Fargate + EFS = serverless + data storage without managing servers

- Use case : persistent multi-AZ shared storage for you containers


[ Load Balancing ]

[ 1. Load Balancing for EC2 Launch Type ]

- We get a dynamic port mapping

- The ALB supports finding the right port on your EC2 Instances

- You must allow on the EC2 instance's security group any port from the ALB security group

[ 2. Load Balancing for Fargate ]

- Each task has a unique IP

- You must allow on the ENI's security group the task port from the ALB security group


[ ECS Scaling ]

1. Service CPU Usage

2. SQS Queue



[ ECS Rolling Updates ]

When updating from v1 to v2, we can control how many tasks can be started and stopped, and in which order

- can set minimum/maximum healthy percent

Example 1 : Min 50% / Max 100%


Example 2 : Min 100% / Max 150%


[ Amazon ECR : Elastic Container Registry ]

- Store, manage and deploy containers on AWS, pay for what you use

- Fully integrated with ECS & IAM for security, backed by Amazon S3

- Supports image vulnerability scanning, version, tag, image lifecycle


[ Amazon EKS Overview ]

Amazon EKS = Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service

- It is a way to launch managed Kubernetes clusters on AWS

- Kubernetes is an open-source system for automatic deployment, scaling and management of containerized (usually Docker) application

- It's a alternative to ECS, similar goal but different API

- EKS supports EC2 if you want to deploy worker nodes or Fargate to deploy serverless containers

  Use case: if your company is already using Kubernetes on-premises or in another cloud, and wants to migrate to  AWS using Kubernetes

- Kubernetes is cloud-agnostic (can be used in any cloud-Azure, GCP...)



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